2022-11-06 Porto Marathon

Short summary – Johan and me had the plan to take it careful as the track is quite demanding. Porto is like Helsingborg. If one wants to run uphill it is easy to find.

To the race. The start is quite early with 8:00. And it is not really easy to find the way. Needed to ask several times to get to the bagdrop.
But finally at start the plan was to take it easy the first 2km and then find the speed to run with (3:30 as stretch). In the beginning it felt good and at 10km I was already a minute ahead. But then it started to get little more tough and first doubts came if the speed was to high. Nevertheless just continued with the believe I should be able to make it and the gels will help.
At 20 km I was close to 2 min ahead. Anyhow it was quite tough and started already there to count the Kilometers. Appreciated very much to see my family. Then I found a guy from Bulgaria to follow. At 30km the legs felt quite done and all the small ups and downs in the track were not easy. Allowed now myself to walk at the water stations. A small relief. When approaching 40km the track turned up again… but managed to carry myself into the finish. Now the race feels good in a very nice environment. The force of the Atlantic is every time breathtaking.

/ Michael

Idag var en stor dag. Edvin och Cicci sprang Porto Fun Race, 6 km i rasande fart. Själv sprang jag Porto marathon med löparvännen Michael Ober. Banan var betydligt mer kuperad än förväntat, men tog mig till slut i mål på 3h 49 min (eller 3;47 enligt målgångs sms) 2 min känns helt ointressant efter att ha passerat mållinjen. Michel gjorde en kanontid på 3;29. Stort grattis. Nu 30 min på sängen och sen middag med familjen Ober.

/ Johan